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Selfreliance FCU participates in East Hanover, NJ Food Truck and Fireworks event

June 20th, 2022

For the fifth year in a row, the East Hanover Policeman’s Benevolent Association (PBA) Local 227 Civic Association hosted a food truck and fireworks festival on Saturday, June 11th at Lurker Park in East Hanover, New Jersey. Fifteen food trucks from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York City participated, along with numerous non-food vendors. Selfreliance Federal Credit Union participated for the first time, promoting its banking services to the 5000-plus attendees. All proceeds from the event benefitted the East Hanover Civic Association.

In the first photo, standing from left to right, at the Selfreliance table are NJ Advisory Board members: Michael Koziupa, Andrew Hrechak, Ihor Laszok, Daria Twardowsky-Vincent, Orest Ciapka and Michael Szpyhulsky.

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Філії УФКС "Самопоміч" у Нью Джерзі скористали з нагоди прорекламувати послуги Кредитівки локальній громаді під час Фестивалю "Food truck and fireworks festival" у East Hanover, New Jersey. Організатори були East Hanover Policeman’s Benevolent Association (PBA) Local 227 Civic Association - і свято відвідали понад 5,000 гостей. 

Присутніми при столику Кредитівки були члени Дорадчої Ради "Самопомочі" у Нью Джерзі Михайло Козюпа, Андрій Гречак, Ігор Ляшок, Дарія Твардовська-Винцент, Орест Цяпка і Михайло Шпигульський. 

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