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SFCU supports Ukrainian National Home JC’s Annual Fall Picnic

October 14th, 2021

Sunday, September 26, the Ukrainian National Home of Jersey City held its Annual Fall Picnic.

During the event, Daria Twardowsky-Vincent, East Coast Regional Manager, SFCU Foundation Board member and Chair of the NJ Advisory Board presented Igor Kolinets, President of the Ukrainian National Home of Jersey City, checks from the Selfreliance Foundation and the SFCU New Jersey Advisory Board in support of the Ukrainian National Home. Also in attendance was Selfreliance Federal Credit Union’s President/CEO Vitaliy Kutnyy. He greeted the gathering and congratulated the Ukrainian National Home for its achievements. 

The UNHome. which also houses the Ukrainian Community Center of Jersey City, proudly proclaims its partnership with Selfreliance Federal Credit Union on a banner above the entrance to the building.

Standing on the stage from left are: Igor Kolinets, President of the Ukrainian National Home of Jersey City; Daria Twardowsky-Vincent, East Coast Regional Manager, SFCU Foundation Board member and NJ Advisory Board Chair; and Vitaliy Kutnyy, SFCU President/CEO.

Also shown is a photo of Selfreliance FCU East Coast staff. Shown, from left: Daria Twardowsky-Vincent, East Coast Regional Manager, SFCU Foundation Board member and Chair of the NJ Advisory Board; Alexander Semeniv, SFCU Universal Member Service Representative; Olha Ilnicki, NJ Advisory Board member; Marika Kolinets, Teller/Member Services Representative; and Iryna Borsa, Assistant Branch Manager at the Jersey City office.

In the last photo, standing from the left are: Iryna Borsa, Assistant Branch Manager at the Jersey City office; Vitaliy Kutnyy, SFCU President/CEO; Igor Kolinets, President of the Ukrainian National Home of Jersey City; Daria Twardowsky-Vincent, East Coast Regional Manager, SFCU Foundation Board member and NJ Advisory Board Chair; Ihor Laszok, Vice-Chair of the SFCU Board of Directors and NJ Advisory Board member; SFCU staff Marika Kolinets and Alexander Semeniv; and Michael Szpyhulsky, SFCU Supervisory Committee and NJ Advisory Board member.

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У неділю 26 вересня відбувся щорічний осінній фестин Українського Народного Дому в Джерзі Ситі. УФКС “Самопоміч” є спонсором осередку. Під час фестину Дарія Твардовська-Винцент, управитель філій “Самопомочі” в Нью Джерзі та голова Дорадчої Ради філій “Самопомочі” Нью Джерзі, вручила чеки пожертви від Фундації “Самопоміч” та від Дорадчої Ради. Пристуніх також привітав Віталій Кутний, Президент і Виконавчий Директор Кредитівки.

Світлина з передачі чеків: зліва, Ігор Колинець, Президент Українського Народного Дому Джерзі Ситі, Дарія Твардовська-Винцент, управитель філій “Самопомочі” в Нью Джерзі та голова Дорадчої Ради філій “Самопомочі” Нью Джерзі, і Віталій Кутний, Президент/Виконавчий Директор УФКС “Самопоміч

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